7 Reasons Why You should go Camping in Australia

Before moving to Australia I slept in a tent exactly twice – first time it was on a camping trip during high school and the second time was at a festival. I can honestly tell you, in my teenage years I didn’t enjoy it and I promised myself that I would never sleep in a tent ever again! But you know the saying “never say never”… camping in Australia

After coming to the land Down-under and getting to know their love for outdoors, nature and adventure, I slowly started to change my mind and when our friends told us that they go camping almost every weekend, we decided to join them for their next getaway. 

We literally attacked the “Outdoors” aisle in Kmart, bought our first (the cheapest) tent, sleeping bags, inflatable mattress, cooler bag and we felt like we were ready to hit the wilderness. Since then we upgraded our gear and it doesn’t even feel like summer anymore if we don’t go camping at least twice. I absolutely love it!

Here are my 7 reasons why you should try it and why you will (most probably) like it.

camping in Australia

Reasons to go camping in Australia

Escape hectic city life

Busy streets full of rushing people, cars, smog, noise… Who wouldn’t rather exchange hectic concrete jungle for a little bit of peace and quiet? One weekend spent in nature can significantly help you to recharge the lost energy, get some new perspectives and ideas and make you feel calmer. camping in Australia

Reconnect with nature

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”

Camping puts us in touch with the outdoors with very little (or no) technology and just the essentials for everyday life. The air is colder, nights darker, stars brighter and life more simple. Spending time outside is not only about changing the environment. It is about learning to appreciate it and respect the world around you.

camping in Australia

Admire the nigth sky

Living in the city, you don’t get to see many stars (if any) during the night. I can sit in front of our tent for hours, wrapped in a blanket and stare at the Milky Way. The night sky full of stars and no city lights will put you in awe. camping in Australia

And don’t forget to make a wish when you see a shooting star!

Food on fresh air tastes better

And I also believe that calories of food prepared and eaten on fresh air don’t count! 😀 Most campsites in NSW have barbecue facilities, so it is easy to make burgers, sausages, and chicken or prawn skewers. Let’s not forget about dessert as well, because who wouldn’t love campfire s’mores? camping in Australia

camping in Australia

Detach from your gadgets

We live in a technology driven world. I feel very lucky that I could spend my childhood outdoors, playing with friends, climbing trees, riding my red bike all day long. Today, I am addicted to my phone and other forms of technology more than I want to admit.

It is strange at first to come to an area where there is no reception, but after a while I won’t even remember to check out what’s new on my phone. Usually it’s not so important anyway.

Learn new skills

Pitching a tent can be challenging sometimes, not to mention setting up a fire. When camping, you will be surprised how many new things you can learn every day.

It's cheap

Once you have bought your gear, camping can be a really cheap holiday. Of course it depends on the actual camp site, but if you want to spend your weekend in a national park for example, you usually pay only the park fee.

Of course you can find campsites with an equipped kitchen, gym and pool and for those you have to pay obviously more, but it is still cheaper than planning your getaway in a holiday resort.

It's fun!

Trust me, you will love it!

You will rekindle your relationships, meet new people, have great food, enjoy new environments and make lots of lifelong memories. camping in Australia

Do you like camping? What are your favorite places to go? What do you like most about it? 

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